5 Protein Packed Veggies

5 Protein Packed Veggies

Getting the right amount protein can be challenging if our diet is focused more on plants than meat, but it is very doable.  We just need to know which veggies are great sources of protein.  Outside of the obvious beans, here are 5 of the top veggies where we can get the most protein.

1. Greens

Gorgeous varieties of fall kale and chard arriving at Daily Harvest Express from our network of local, organic farmers. Whole, fiber-rich and nutrient-dense foods like these greens will help you feel full and nourished.

What healthy food list is complete without greens? One cup of cooked kale has 3 grams of protein.  Spinach, turnip greens, and mustard greens are all equally as full of protein.  Green smoothies anyone?

2. Brussels Sprouts

bunch of brussels sprouts

Mom had good reason to tell us to eat our Brussels sprouts.  With 3 grams in a serving, and a serving being only 4 sprouts, it’s easy to get a lot of protein from another of our favorite underdog veggies.  Grab some great Brussels sprouts recipes here.

3. Peas

snap peas

You can get as much as 5 grams of protein in 3/4 cup of peas.  The veggie that can go into any dish, peas are the sneaky way to add extra protein to whatever your eating.

4. Corn

organic white corn

Who doesn’t love corn?  With about 3 grams in one ear of corn, everyone’s favorite grilled summer veggie it’s okay to eat more than one.

5. Asparagus


One cup of cooked asparagus has about 4 1/2 grams of protein.  There’s so many delicious ways to cook up this super spring veggie, it’s a snap to have a new way to try it every time.  Here’s some of our faves.


The beauty of getting the goodness of veggies is that we easily eat well more than one serving.  Eating any of these 5 plant based protein sources will leave us feeling energized and satisfied, while still being light & ready for summer fun.