Hey honey! Sweetness with Substance

Honey is far more than just another sweetener, but only if you get locally, sourced raw honey.
Did you know that less expensive, pasteurized honey from an average store is as unhealthy as consuming refined sugar? A test done by the Food Safety Network showed that much of the “honey” available at typical grocery stores doesn’t contain any pollen because it’s been ultra-filtered and pasteurized. This removes any traces of its origin which may be from less than desirable, but much cheaper sources.

Raw honey is different because it has not been pasteurized, heated or processed in any way to remove it’s natural benefits. It’s why we source our honey only from local suppliers that either have their own hives, like Mikolich Family Honey or source from local beekeepers, like San Diego Honey Company.

The benefits of raw honey
It’s more than just a sweetener for your tea, it’s a power food, beauty aide, antibiotic, and much more. It’s 18 amino acids, many vitamins, minerals and natural sugars are able to help you throughout the day.

Going for a run or having a 3 pm slump? – reach for a teaspoon of honey for a carb boost instead of an energy drink filled with corn syrup.

Tired, but sleepless? Taking a teaspoonful of honey will raise your insulin just enough to enable your brain to relax

Allergies have you sneezing? God bless you with local honey! The local pollen from the bees around you can help immunize your body against the aggravating pollen in the area you live in.

Ouch! Just put a little honey on your cut and cover it with a band-aid. The antibacterial properties and natural thickness of honey on a minor scrape or cut will protect it against bacteria and help it heal. Plus, it will immediately stop any tears from a injured toddler! Or mix with a little lemon to help soothe and heal a sore throat.

Bee pretty. It’s a naturally perfect moisturizer when combined with milk or olive oil or exfoliant when combined sea salt. Our friend Rachel, at San Diego Honey Company has developed some lovely beauty concoctions!

Hungry for a healthy snack? I made this delicious snack yesterday…just mix a cup of Greek yogurt, mixed with a teaspoon of Cinnamon Infused Honey and a 1/2 cup of Natural Applesauce?

Baby can wait. I do also want to mention that you shouldn’t give raw honey to children under 12 months. Their little tummies are ready yet.