What is gratitude, anyway? Why we’re thankful for you…

What is gratitude, anyway? Why we’re thankful for you…


Of course, we all know that the holiday of Thanksgiving commemorates an historical event. It’s also about giving thanks and being grateful for the things that make life good. While that second serving of pie might not be good for you, many psychologists think that gratitude may be the single best thing for your mental health.

What is gratitude and why does it matter?

The simplest definition of gratitude is “the feeling of appreciation.” There are infinite numbers of reasons to be grateful and infinite numbers of people we should be grateful for. You can be grateful for your health, for having a safe and comfortable house, for having safe and healthy food to eat, for veterans who’ve protected our country, for a spouse who loves you unconditionally.

With little effort, you could easily find something to be consciously grateful for every single day of every year that you’re alive. And that might well be something you should do for your own mental health.

You know how you’re supposed to exercise your body and eat whole foods to optimize your health? Well, one thing that you might want to add to your daily health regimen is the “brain exercise” of intentional gratitude.


Numerous studies have found that grateful people are generally happier, less depressed, and less stressed. They’re more satisfied with their lives and social relationships. Interestingly, more grateful people are also more altruistic. Not to jump ahead to the next holiday, but think about Ebenezer Scrooge here–at the end of the story he was overflowing with gratitude which led to his spirit of giving.

We’re Grateful For You

At Daily Harvest Express, we’re grateful for you and we’d like to say “thank you.” You’re the reason we do what we do. We’re also grateful that we get to do what we do because we love it!

We’re grateful that we get to help local farmers and their families. We’re grateful every time you tell us stories about how our fresh produce has improved how you feel, or every time we see your eyes light up with joy when you bite into a fresh piece of fruit. We’re grateful that we get to live in a community like San Diego with people like you, and we’re grateful that we all get to work together to make it even better, every single day.

So, please know that you’re appreciated by all of us here at Daily Harvest Express!

You know what would make us even more thankful? If you remembered to order next week’s box BEFORE the Sunday night deadline! 🙂

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