Labor Day Picnic Ideas

Labor Day Picnic Ideas

Labor Day is the day off that many of us spend outside, marking the end of summer and making the Monday holiday a big day to just relax & soak up the sun.  With 2020 being the year of change, we’re going to keep that theme going with our Labor Day picnic ideas.


Pack Your Picnic

Pack up a picnic, go to the beach or the park, or picnic in your backyard.  You can stay safe, keep your social distance, and get fresh air.  Have a special day with these unique dishes.

  1. Picnic salad doesn’t have to be a standard mix of veggies, or full of carbs (sorry potatoes & pasta).   Layer your salad, pack your veggies & toppings separately for an interactive family activity, and make a variety of cold healthy treats, like lentil salad, chick pea salad, or the favorite of those with a sweet tooth, carrot & raisin salad (try it with broccoli, too).  Here’s a couple of salads you can make & pack for your picnic:

2. When we were looking to go beyond sandwiches, we found the British seem to know how to be creative with picnics.

    • How does Picnic Pie sound?  There’s many different ways to do this, whether it’s all veggies, or with a sausage or meat, the alliterative term just sounds so fun!  To start, try this one from Time to Cook Online.
    • Make a picnic loaf.  Picnic loaf can be an easy way to make all sandwiches at once, baked from scratch, or using hollowed out bread, like this Picnic Loaf .

3. New England also has some really cool & easy Italian inspired make ahead picnic snacks, using some fresh dough.

    • Stromboli.  Roll out your dough like pizza, then top it with your favorite pizza toppings.  Next,  roll it all up like a jelly roll & pop it in the oven for about 10 minutes at 350°.  Leave the tomato sauce out, and use it for dipping instead.  Slice it up & pack for your picnic.
    • When you ask for spinach pie in New England, you won’t get Spanikopita.  This Rhode Island favorite is also made with fresh dough.  Saute 2 pounds of spinach leaves in at least 4 tablespoons of olive oil with 3-4 cloves of garlic, a can of sliced black olives and a good amount of salt & pepper.  You can make one big spinach pie & slice it to serve, or divide the dough into 2, 4, or 6 parts.  Once you have your dough divided as you choose, roll it out & top with the spinach mixture.  Then fold in half and pinch the edges to seal.  Brush with a little olive oil & bake at 425° until golden brown.  These are good cold and perfect for the beach.

4. Bring your fruit. You can pre slice, make a quick fruit salad, or have some fun with these ideas.

    • Make fruit kabob style, like these marinated fruit kabobs.
    • Take with you apple cinnamon smoothies.  Blend 1/2 cup of apple cider, 2 apples 2 teaspoons of cinnamon and 3/4 cup of vanilla yogurt, or bananas. Pack in the cooler & you’re good to go!

Have fun with these suggestions & have a safe holiday!